Policy - KB





Parent Involvement in Education

The RSU #74 Board recognizes that a student’s education is a responsibility shared by the school, the student, and the family. Research indicates that involvement of parents in support of the children’s education increases student achievement. Schools and parents must work as partners if the school system is to meet its goal of educating students effectively.

It is the intent of the RSU #74 Board that the school system promotes parent involvement by:

A.) Supporting meaningful two-way communication between school and home;

B.) Promoting responsible parenting;

C.) Encouraging parents to play an integral role in assisting student learning;

D.) Assisting parents in their efforts to support, reinforce, and extend their children’s learning;

E.) Providing opportunities for parent input in school programs and curriculum;

F.) Respecting parents as partners in decisions affecting children and families;

G.) Welcoming parents as visitors to the schools;

H.) Engaging in meaningful parent-teacher conferences to discuss student progress toward meeting the state standards and other learning goals, individual instructional needs and student welfare issues;

I.) Communicating with parents about school system policies and regulations;

J.) Encouraging parents to volunteer in the schools and school-related activities;

K.) Encouraging parent involvement through PTO groups and RSU #74 Board and school advisory committees;

L.) Supporting appropriate professional development opportunities that enable staff members to increase the effectiveness of parent involvement strategies;

M.) Encouraging school administrators to set expectations and create a climate conducive to parent participation;

N.) Developing methods to accommodate and support parent involvement for parents with special needs, such as limited English proficiency; and

O.) Assess the effectiveness of parent involvement efforts.

The RSU #74 Board expects parents to:

A.) Make every effort to provide for the physical well-being of their children;

B.) Establish a home environment that supports learning and appropriate behavior;

C.) Strive to prepare the student emotionally and socially so that the student is receptive to learning, discipline, and behavioral expectations;

D.) Have students attend school regularly and on time;

E.) Help students to develop good study habits;

F.) Monitor their student’s learning progress;

G.) See that their child participates in remedial activities and/or additional instruction, as recommended, to provide them with the opportunity to progress toward meeting the state standards and other instructional goals and objectives;

H.) Review their children’s homework and reinforce reading, math, and other skills;

I.) Become familiar with school rules and procedures;

J.) Discuss problems and concerns with appropriate persons;

K.) Participate in conferences with teachers and other professional staff;

L.) Cooperate with the school system to develop a positive self-concept and positive outlook on learning for each child;

M.) When practicable, volunteer in the schools and/or in support of school activities;

N.) When practicable, participate in PTO groups, advisory committees and other opportunities to support student learning; and

O.) Provide feedback concerning the effectiveness of the schools’ parent involvement efforts.

Cross Reference: KBF - Parent Involvement in Title I