Dec 5 Agenda

Regular Meeting

RSU #74 Board of Directors

December 5, 2018

6:00 pm


Carrabec Community School


1.) Adjustments to the agenda.

2.) To see if the Board will approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of November 7, 2018.


3.) Presentation: Winter Athletic Updates – Julie Richard

4.) Reports: Written Reports were mailed to Board Members and are available online at

A.) Superintendent’s Report

1. Appointments:

Tammy Conners – Food Service Coordinator – per contract

2. Resignations: None

3. Nominations: None

B.) Administrators – N/A

C.) Committees: Superintendent Evaluation Committee met November 7th

Building & Grounds Committee met November 14th

Academic Committee Meeting November 28th

5.) Citizens comments on agenda items.

“The RSU #74 school board will follow school board policy BEDH/KD, in that public comment will be limited to no more than 30 minutes in total length and that all comments must relate to the business to be conducted by the RSU #74 school board at the stated meeting on the current agenda.


6.) To see if the Board will support a review of the current structure of the Maintenance & Transportation Departments.

7.) To see if the Board will approve the second reading of policy JLFA.

8.) To see if the board will vote to approve the Property and Casualty Trust Documents.

9.) Adjournment