September 23, 2024

To:  RSU #74 Board of Directors

From:  Mark L. Campbell, Superintendent

Re:  October Board Report

Your administrators will be presenting the 2023-2024 student assessment data results at this meeting.   We are changing the format of the presentations.  Geoff Case will begin where he will provide a summary of the assessments, and interventions while presenting the data for CCS.  The other administrators will follow with their school data.   After their presentations, I will hand out our district goals for the 2024-2025 school year, some of which are written to support the academic achievement of our student body.

A couple of our 2024-2025 purchases have hit snags preventing us from fully implementing them.  The first is our new Thomas bus.  As I have shared with some of you, the gentleman who was our sales representative passed away between our commitment to Cressey’s and the delivery of the bus.  As a result, the bus came through without the proper seat belts for 4-year olds.  Cressey’s is keeping their word on the seat belt packages that came with the quote we had, but the delivery date is now mid-October.  The company is actually providing us with additional seat belt packages then we had agreed on so we will have spares on hand.  The other work that has stalled is in regards to the generator at CCS because Bob’s Cash Fuel needed to order some special parts.  The size of the generator requires us to completely replace the existing piping from the tanks.  The new parts should be in this week.

I was asked by the Superintendent Evaluation Committee to go through the rubric you have been using to evaluate me and share the work you should be seeing from me in each of the categories you rate me on.  I will bring copies of that document to the meeting next week.  It is my understanding that we will use future meeting time to discuss the information I have entered as what my responsibilities are.  As well, I was asked to generate some personal professional goals which I will also share with you.  The Superintendent Evaluation Committee will be meeting again prior to the November meeting.  At time, there will be a more definite plan/proposal to review these documents.

A reminder that at the November meeting, you will see a presentation on the English Language Arts Curriculum that staff has documented.  This curriculum will provide a structure for lessons to be implemented to address the standards identified as essential for all RSU 74 students to be exposed to.  The Curriculum Subcommittee will be meeting this month to discuss a proposal for curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation.  This document is still in draft stages and is being developed through collaboration with other districts involved in the Western Maine Education Collaborative (WMEC).

With a recent enrollment of a student where English is the student’s second language, we have been working to coordinate resources to assess the student’s English skills.  As required by State Statute, the WIDA assessment will be completed this Wednesday, September 25.  Once we have the results, I have identified another educator who will review the results and come to a meeting with a plan that will allow us to educate this student in our classrooms.  I am signing up to an online translator program so that when we have to communicate with the family whether in meetings or simply a telephone call, we dial the translator line, tell them the language and number to call.  As well, Google has an excellent translation feature.  After speaking to the student about the testing with Google translate and Mrs. Pease, I came back to my office and typed a letter to the student’s parents and it automatically translated to Spanish.  It was pretty cool seeing this student smile in understanding as the student read my letter to the parents as to why we are testing and steps that will be taken based on the assessment results.

Lastly I wish to inform you that I am allowing the PTO for Carrabec Community School to use the school without fees to provide programs and activities for the students at CCS.  They have requested the use of the cafeteria and gymnasium to host a dance.  In accordance with Policy KF, the Superintendent and the Board may waive the fees if it is determined the organization is providing a service to the students.  In this situation, it is not a for profit business so therefore I feel comfortable making this decision in isolation.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.



With the resignation of Beth Higgins last spring, this left us without an assigned staff member to be the McKenney - Vento liaison for RSU #74.  This position supports students who enter the district as unaccompanied youth or part of a homeless family.  Once we have identified someone as unaccompanied or homeless, we have obligations to ensure that their personal needs are met as well as their educational needs.  This is an on-going commitment to the student/student and family.  We currently have roughly 20 students enrolled under McKenney - Vento.  Ms. Bedard and Ms. Frost will be working together to ensure these student’s needs are met.


I request your support for David McLaughlin to fill the vacant 6-hour custodial position at Garret Schenck School.   Mr. McLaughlin’s prior work experience (30 years) is in the building maintenance field.  

Action Items:

Item #6 - Mr. Langlois is requesting an overnight field trip for the Youth & Government students to attend the State conference in Augusta November 8, 9, and 10.  This is a conference he has attended in the past and having heard positive reviews from participants in the past, I would support this request.  He has submitted a written request with supporting documentation.

Item #7 - If the Board approves the idea of CCS being used as a warming center for communities in our district, I use that as permission from the Board to work out details and responsibilities with the community leaders and Emergency Management representatives.  With the addition of the 150 KW generator at CCS, the building can be used in a time of need to keep residents warm, fed, and provide for basic needs.

Item #8 - We have prospective employees to fill our current vacancies in bus transportation.  These employees will need endorsements for school bus passengers.  This training is available through Oxford Hills Technical Center.  The cost would be approximately $1,000 per endorsement.  I will be reaching out to the association to notify them of our desire to pay this fee in lieu of a written guarantee of commitment to RSU 74 as a bus driver and the need to repay if they fail to keep up their end of the agreement.  We will ask for a minimum 2-year commitment.

Item #9 - Coach Carey and Coach Cote are requesting permission to take both varsity teams on an overnight trip to Aroostook County.  This is a trip that has been done for the past 2 years.  

Item #10 - The Policy committee has submitted a revised JFCK - Student Use of Cellular Telephones and Other Electronic Devices.  This wording will require administrators to put wording in their handbooks informing students will only be allowed to use school issued devices from the bell/time beginning the school day to the bell/time ending a school day.

Item #11 - Policy EBAA - Chemical Hazards has no recommended changes.

Item #12 - Policy ECB - Pest Management in School Facilities and on School Grounds has changes that will has our policy worded consistent with MSMA’s suggest policy.  Most of what is being struck would be either contained in a procedure or job description for the Integrated Pest Management person.

Item #13 - Policy EEAEEA - Drug and Alcohol Testing of School Bus Drivers is being sent forward without changes.  It aligns with MSMA’s recommended policy.

Item #14 - Procedure EEAEEA - Drug and Alcohol Testing of School Bus Drivers procedure is being sent forward without any changes.  This document aligns with MSMA’s recommended wording.

Item #15 - The policy committee is recommending the Board vote to remove Policy IHBAF - Individual Education Program as this is a duplicate of Policy IHBA.  Under MSMA’s library of sample policies, IBHA is the correct identification lettering for this required policy therefore eliminating IHBAF would remove any confusion.