Regular Meeting

RSU #74 Board of Directors

June 5, 2023

6:00 pm


Carrabec High School



Reception honoring RSU #74 Staff and Community members. Music by the Carrabec High School music program.

Pledge of Allegiance

1.) Presentation of Awards


2.)  Adjustments to the agenda.



3.) To see if the RSU #74 Board of Directors will approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 3, 2023.


4.) To see if the RSU #74 Board of Directors will approve the Minutes of the Special Board Meeting of May 25, 2023.



5.)  Presentation: CHS Outdoor Skills & Leadership Course


6.)  Reports: Written Reports were mailed to Board Members and are available online at 

A.)     Superintendent’s Report

1.       Appointments:

Eileen McDonald – Cook Manager - GSS – per contract

Kalgari Reed –  STEAM Lead Teacher – Solon – per contract

Tiffany Medwick – Bus Driver – per contract

Taylor Fournier – Asst. Cook –CCS – per contract

Brian Twitchell – Certification Committee Chair – per contract

Mary Keenan – Ed Tech Authorization Chair – per contract

Jasmyn Wagg – STEAM Lead Teacher – GSS – per contract

Jasmyn Wagg – Lead Teacher – GSS – per contract

Richard Reichenbach – STEAM Lead Teacher – CCS – per contract

Melody Rich – Lead Teacher – Solon – per contract

Patricia Theberge – New Teacher Mentor – CCS – per contract

Jennifer Hebert – New Teacher Mentor GSS- per contract

Michelle Stevens – New Teacher Mentor – Solon – per contract

Stacey Robinson – New Teacher Mentor – CHS – per contract

Mary Keenan - PreK- 5 summer School Intructor – per contract

Jenah Leeman - PreK- 5 summer School Intructor - per contract

Brenda Mullin - PreK- 5 summer School Intructor - per contract

Aimie Pomerleau - PreK- 5 summer School Intructor - per contract

Jennifer LaChance - PreK- 5 summer School Intructor - per contract

Jessie Cates - PreK- 5 summer School Intructor - per contract

Kathryn Shea-Stocking - PreK- 5 summer School Intructor - per contract

Valerie Pinkham - PreK- 5 summer School Intructor - per contract

Desiraeh Ladd - PreK- 5 summer School Intructor - per contract

Tanya McFadyen - PreK- 5 summer School Intructor - per contract

Jill Shelley - PreK- 5 summer School Intructor - per contract

Kalgari Reed - PreK- 5 summer School Intructor - per contract

Tanya Carey - PreK- 5 summer School Intructor - per contract

Jennifer Hebert - PreK- 5 summer School Intructor - per contract

Jillian Holden - PreK- 5 summer School Intructor - per contract

Heather Austin - PreK- 5 summer School Intructor - per contract

                     Candy Lebeau – Yearbook Advisor – CCS – per contract

                     Katie Hall – Junior Advisory Dean – CHS – per contract

                     Aaron Baum – Senior Advisory Dean – CHS – per contract

                     Stacey Robinson – Freshmen Advisory Dean – CHS – per contract

                     Stacey Robinson – NHS Advisor – CHS – per contract

                     John Berube – Sophmore Advisory Dean – CHS – per contract

                     Maurice Langlois – NHS Advisor – CHS – per contract

                     Kim Cole – Yearbook Advisor – CHS – per contract


2.       Resignations:

Elaine Jillson – Special Ed. Ed. Tech III - Retirement

Eileen McDonald – Cook Asst. CCS

                     Monique Bess – Special Education Teacher


3.       Nominations: None

Jillian Holden – Learning Interventionist – GSS – per contract

Barbara Jordan – 40% FTE Interventionist – per contract

Kim Swihart – 4th Grade Teacher – CCS – per contract

Jaime Partridge – K-5 Special Education Teacher (support students with Autism) – per contract



B.) Reports

     1.  Administrators:









     2. Student Report


C.)   Committee Reports: None



7.)  Public Participation

On behalf of the RSU #74 Board of Directors, I want to make it clear that we encourage public comment during the Public Comment portion of this meeting. There are restrictions, however, on what is allowed to be discussed publicly. Those comments are limited to policy and procedures in general terms.


Comments or complaints that may pertain to personnel and/or personnel issues should be raised through RSU #74 School Board Policy JII/KI/GBK. This policy outlines the procedures to be followed.

Each individual choosing to speak tonight will be provided with 3 minutes so that we can hear from as many members of the public as possible.


The RSU #74 Board of Directors will follow RSU #74 School Board Policy BEDH/KD in that public participation will be limited to no more than 30 minutes in total length and that all comments at a regular meeting may deal with any topic related to the Board of Directors’ conduct of the schools. The Board of Directors shall give due attention to comments and contributions from the audience but shall not respond or take any immediate action.”


For those who wish to participate, please note that in order to keep things running smoothly, we do have a number of guidelines that people need to follow when making public comment. Those include the following:


1.       Please address your thoughts to me, the Chair, and the rest of the School Board. 


2.       We expect all members of the public to remain civil during the public comment period. This includes the speaker, as well as members of the audience. This means you may not share gossip, make defamatory comments, or use abusive or vulgar language. 


3.       Individuals should not provide thoughts/reactions/commentary unless recognized by the Chair. We request that you do not clap, boo, or provide similar reactions.


4.       Comments about specific individuals, including students and school employees, have the potential to violate the rights of those individuals, and will not be tolerated.


If the Board has specific procedures or policies with respect to the matter on which you are commenting, I may redirect you to those policies rather than allow you to continue. If another commenter discusses the issue you wish you discuss, you may address the Board, but please try to reduce repetition.


Please note that if you violate these rules or exceed the time allotted to you, I may give you a warning or ask you to stop. If you choose to continue, you will be asked to leave and escorted out.


On behalf of the Board, we appreciate your interest and look forward to hearing from you. I will now recognize the first speaker – are there any individuals present that would like to address the Board?



8.) To see if the RSU #74 Board of Directors will approve the 2nd reading of policy IKF.


9.) To see if the RSU #74 Board of Directors will approve a CHS student for early graduation per Board policy.  


10.)  To see if the RSU #74 Board of Directors will allow the Superintendent to hire teachers in the months of June, July, and August.


11.) To see if the RSU #74 Board of Directors will take action in regards to school attendance areas within the school district.


12.) To see if the RSU #74 Board of Directors will approve the 8th Grade overnight trip to Huts & Trails on June 12th and 13th.


13) To see if the RSU #74 Board of Directors will enter into executive session, pursuant to MRS. Title 1, Chapter 13, Subchapter 1, Subsection 405.6.D.




14.) Adjournment