Work Permits
If you are under 16 years old, you need a Work Permit from the Maine Department of Labor to be employed.
A Work Permit will not be issued by the Maine Department of Labor unless you are already hired by an employer (or receive the promise of a job pending receipt of a Work Permit). A student can notstart work until the Maine Department of Labor approves a Work Permit.
In order to obtain a Work Permit a parent/guardian needs to go to the Superintendent's Office of the School District where the student resides to complete an application for a Work Permit. When the parent/guardian comes in to apply for a Work Permit they need to bring the following documents for the student with them:
1.)Copy of Student's Birth Certificate
3.)Copy of Student's Most Recent Report Card
4.)Name, Address, and Phone Number of Student's Employer
5.)Detailed List of Job Duties Student Will Be Performing
Once the application is complete and all documents are attached, the Superintendent's Office will send the application to the Maine Department of Labor. Within a short time (usually 7-10 days) the Maine Department of Labor will return the Work Permit to the Superintendent's Office. If the
Work Permit is approved, the Superintendent's Office will mail the Work Permit to the student.
Once the student receives the Work Permit, they must bring it to their employer and they can begin work.
According to the Department of Labor the following rules apply to employment:
Under 16 Years Old You Can Work:
Up to 3 hours a day on school days, including Fridays;
Up to 18 hours in any week with one or more school days;
Up to 8 hours on days without school (during weekends, holidays, vacations, teacher workshops,
storms days, etc.);
Up to 40 hours in a week with no school days;
Never more than 6 days in a row.
How early? How late?
Between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. during the school year
Between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. during summer vacation only
You can not work during school hours
If you are under 16 years old you can't:
Work as a chambermaid (housekeeping at hotel/motel);
Climb ladders or scaffolds;
Use weed whackers or lawn mowers;
Operate power machinery of any kind;
Serve or sell alcohol (if you are 15 or older you can stock or carry it);
Drive for work on public highways;
Do roofing jobs;
Work alone in a store;
Do other dangerous jobs.
16 - 17 Years Old You Can Work:
Up to 4 hours a day on school days;
Up to 8 hours on the last school day of the week;
Up to 20 hours in any week with 3 or more school days, except 8 hours each day with unscheduled
school closure (storm day, etc.) for a total of 28 hours that week;
Up to 50 hours each week with less than 3 scheduled school days, or during the first or last week of
the school year;
Up to 10 hours on days without school (during weekends, holidays, vacations, teacher workshop
days, storms days, etc.);
Never more than 6 days in a row.
How early? How late?
Not before 7 a.m. on a school day
Not before 5 a.m. on a non-school day
Not after 10 p.m. the night before a school day
Until Midnight if there is no school the next day
Minors under 17 cannot work during school hours
If you are 16-17 years old you can't:
Operate most power machinery;
Serve or sell alcohol (unless you are 17 years old and are supervised by someone at least 21 years
old and who is a supervisor);
Drive for work on public highways;
Do roofing jobs;
Work alone in a store;
Do other dangerous jobs.