RSU #74 believes that each member of the school community is responsible for maintaining an educational environment that promotes quality teaching and learning. Ethical and responsible student behavior is an essential part of the educational mission of the district. To that end, RSU #74 has established this Code of Conduct that defines its expectations for student behavior and provides the framework for a safe, orderly, and respectful learning environment.

Section 1—Standards for Ethical and Responsible Behavior

The Code of Conduct is intended to support and encourage students to meet the following core values. These expectations are based upon the values identified by the community as essential to ethical and responsible behavior:

  • Fairness

  • Compassion

  • Honesty

  • Responsibility

  • Respect

  • Courtesy

Section 2—Code of Conduct

All students are expected to comply with the Code of Conduct and all related Board policies and school rules. The Code of Conduct applies to students:

  • On school property

  • Attending school or at any school-sponsored activity, or

  • At any time or place that such school conduct directly interferes with the operations, discipline, or general welfare of the school.

Section 3—General Behavior Expectations and Discipline Policies

The following expectations for student behavior are fundamental to a safe, orderly, and respectful environment in our schools. Each student should:

  • Treat every person with kindness and courtesy and respond politely when addressed

  • Promptly follow the directions and requests of all school personnel

  • Enter a room or section of the building only with the permission of a staff member

  • Move safely within the building

  • Maintain all school books, desks, or other school property

  • Respect the rights and privileges as well as the property of other students and staff

  • Obey all Board policies and school rules governing student conduct

  • Meet school standards for grooming and dress

  • Attend school regularly

  • Refrain from cheating or plagiarizing the work of others

  • Avoid vulgarity, profanity, obscenity, lewdness, and indecency

Violations of the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action. Disciplinary consequences depend upon the seriousness of the violation and the student’s prior disciplinary record. Please note that a first offense could lead to expulsion depending upon the nature and seriousness of the offense. Consequences will fit within the following framework:

  • Level 1 Intervention: Consequences that allow the student to remain within the school setting that range from a “Time-Out” to an “In-School Suspension.”

  • Level 2 Intervention: 1-3 days out-of-school suspension

  • Level 3 Intervention 5-7 days out-of-school suspension (grades 6-12 only)

  • Level 4 Intervention: 8-10 days our-of-school suspension (grades 6-12 only)

  • Level 5 Intervention: Expulsion

Behavior that also violates the law may be referred to law-enforcement authorities.

Section 4 - Removal of Disruptive/Violent/Threatening Students

1. Students who are disruptive, violent, or threatening death or bodily harm to others may be removed from classrooms, school buses, or other school property when necessary to maintain order and safety.

2. If a student does not comply with a staff member’s request to report to the office or other location, the staff member will contact the main office/an administrator for assistance.

3. Staff members only may use force or restraint to the minimum extent necessary. Staff members are not required to take action that puts them at risk of serious injury.

4. The responding administrator will take appropriate action. If the student fails to obey verbal directions, force or restraint may be used only to the minimum extent necessary to protect any person from imminent physical harm or to quell a disturbance. Whenever practicable, law enforcement should be called to restrain or physically remove the non-compliant student. The administrator may invoke the school unit’s crisis response plan if appropriate.

Section 5 - Special Services

a) Referral. The school unit has adopted policies and procedures for determining when a student shall be referred for special services.

Section 6 - Referrals to Law Enforcement Authorities

The Superintendent and administrators have the authority to seek the assistance of law enforcement authorities when there is a substantial threat to the safety of the schools, students, or staff. The Superintendent/administration may also inform law-enforcement authorities when they have reason to suspect that a student or staff member may have violated a local, state, or federal statute. All serious offenses, as determined by the Superintendent, must be reported to law-enforcement authorities.

Section 7 - Dissemination of System-Wide Student Code of Conduct

The System-Wide Student Code of Conduct shall be distributed to staff, students, and parents through handbooks and/or other means selected by the Superintendent and building administrators.

Legal References: 20-A MRSA. §§ 254 (11); 1001 (15)

Cross Reference: Taking Responsibility: Standards for Ethical and Responsible Behavior in Maine Schools and Communities (Report of the Commission for Ethical and Responsible Behavior, February 2001)