Sept 6th Agenda
Regular Meeting
RSU #74 Board of Directors
September 6, 2017
6:00 p.m.
Carrabec High School
1.) To see if the Board will approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of
August 9, 2017.
2.) Presentation: Mercedes Pour and Pauline Stevens on College 4 ME.
3.) Reports: Written Reports were mailed to Board Members and are available online at
Superintendent’s Report – Presentation – Leading our District
Middle School Teacher CCS 2017-18
2. Appointments:
Carrie Peabody – MDI Seamstress – stipend of $500 2017-18
Jill Everett - MDI Program Director – stipend of $7500 2017-18
Jill Everett – MDI Assistant Dance Teacher – stipend of $2500 2017-18
Katenia Keller – MDI Dance Teacher – stipend of $40/hr 2017-18
Kirk Robinson – Cobra Power Coach
3. Resignations:
Rick David – Bus Driver
B.) Administrators: As written.
C.) Committees
D.) Adjustments to the Agenda
4.) Citizens comments on agenda items.
5.) To see if the Board will approve an overnight 8th Grade trip to Norlands Living Center in Livermore, ME on September 28th and 29th.
6.) To see if the Board will approve overnight 8th Grade trips to Maine Huts & Trails on Flagstaff Lake for October 5th and 6th and October 10th and 11th.
7.) To see if the Board will approve the bus bids.
8.) To see if the Board will discuss combination sports numbers.
9.) To see if the Board will discuss Adult Ed sharing with Skowhegan.
10.) To see if the Board will discuss MSBA delegates.
11.) Adjournment