May 2 Agenda
Regular Meeting
RSU #74 Board of Directors
May 2, 2018
6:00 p.m.
Solon Elementary School
1.) Adjustments to the agenda.
2.) To see if the Board will approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of April 4, 2018.
3.) Presentation: Matt L’Italien – Somerset Public Health Presentation
Mr. Twitchell – Demo on Number Talk with 3rd Graders from Mrs. Haynie’s Class
4.) Reports: Written Reports were mailed to Board Members and are available online at
A.) Superintendent’s Report
1. Appointments:
Tammy Lane – Summer Feeding Cook
2. Resignations:
Jamie Weggler – CCS Assistant Principal
Dianne Starr – CHS Guidance Counselor
Terry Corson – Solon Grade 5 Teacher
3. Nominations:
Luke Ellis – CHS Boys Tennis – Stipend of $2,182
Nora Ellis – CHS Girls Tennis – Stipend of $2,182
B.) Administrators – As written
C.) Committees:
Building & Grounds met on April 10th – Larry Dunphy report
Policy met on April 10th – Robert Demchak to report
5.) Citizens comments on agenda items.
“The RSU #74 school board will follow school board policy BEDH/KD, in that public comment will be limited to no more than 30 minutes in total length and that all comments must relate to the business to be conducted by the RSU #74 school board at the stated meeting on the current agenda.
6.) To see if the Board will approve the Bridgeway Bandit Extension of High School Baseball.
7.) To see if the Board will approve Strategic Planning, and hire a consultant up to $5,000 for that purpose.
8.) To see the Board will approve the Teacher Evaluation System Update.
9.) To see if the Board will approve the following Teacher nominations as required by statue for movement from probationary contract to continuing status.
Daniel Gilbert
Laurie Hanson-Hiscock
Richard Reichenbach
Brian Twitchell
Jasmyn Wagg
10.) To see if the Board will approve the following Teacher nominations moving forward from year 2 of probationary contract to year 3 of probationary contract.
Patricia Reid
Marc Collard
Doug Larlee
Mathew Brown
Brittany Dunham
Tammy Long
Alethea Schanz
Nate Stubbert (1/2 time)
11.) To see if the Board will approve the following Teacher nominations moving forward from year 1 to year 2 of probationary contract.
Shannah Cotton
Andrew Ferrari
Jennifer Hebert
Isaac LaCasse
Anthony Pranses
Randall Rothert
Paul Thompson
12.) To see if the Board will approve the following policies per Policy Sub Committee recommendations: CBA, CBAA, CBJB/GDQD/GCQC/GCQD, CGD, CGDA, DB, DGA, DI, DID, DIE, DIF, DJ, DKB, DLB, EBAB, EBCB, EBCF, EEAA, EEAAC, EEAAC-R, EEACB, EEAD, EEAE, EEAE-R, EEAEA, EF, EFB, EHB, GB, GBCA, GBEB/GBEBB, GBED/JICG/KFA, GBGE, and GBL.
13.) Adjournment