
WMEC -Western Maine Educational Collaborative - The WMEC is a non-profit educational organization with membership from 16 districts committed to building a sustainable and regional collaborative.  The organization is governed by a Board of Directors which meets 4-5 times a year. Executive Committee members are elected at the annual meeting in the fall.  The WMEC serves 14,000+ students in 50+ schools in 5 counties throughout western Maine.

KVMPA - Kennebec Valley Multiple Pathways Academy - In 2018, another grant was written to work on a dream.  That dream was to better educate students who may typically "slip through the cracks" with regard to the typical public school system.  In short, the KVMPA is far more than a "typical" alternative education setting, it is a new balanced educational setting that mixes academics with real-world "problem-based" education.  The students are posed a real-world problem, then they use all core areas of learning including Math, Science, Literature and History (and other subjects) to solve these problems.  Meanwhile, they are getting a mutually beneficial education while meeting state standards. 

SPH- Somerset Public HealthSomerset Public Health is one of our great community partners that help us with efforts such as community planning, health and wellness activities and alcohol and drug-free schools.  Somerset Public Health is a coalition of staff members, community members, organizations, and businesses working together to improve health in Somerset County.

Their goal is to make Somerset County a healthier place to live and work for the families they serve.  They work with community members, schools, workplaces, child-care centers, service groups, and other community groups to make the places we visit every day healthier.