Oct. 4 Agenda
Regular Meeting
RSU #74 Board of Directors
October 4, 2017
6:00 p.m.
Embden Community Center
1.) To see if the Board will approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of
September 6, 2017.
2.) Presentation: PBE video by Brian Twitchell
3.) Reports: Written Reports were mailed to Board Members and are available online at www.carrabec.org
A.) Superintendent’s Report
1. Nominations:
Maurice Langlois – NHS Co-advisor
Stacey Robinson – NHS Co-advisor
2. Appointments:
Brian Twitchell – MMP Grant Coordinator (funded through Gear-up)
3. Resignations:
Kasey Hiltz – Fourth Grade Teacher at CCS
B.) Administrators: As written.
C.) Committees:
Facilities/Grounds/Trans met on Sept. 13th - Troy Dunphy
Library/Technology met on Sept. 20th – Kevin Sousa
D.) Adjustments to the Agenda
4.) Citizens comments on agenda items.
5.) To see if the Board will approve the extended bus warranties.
6.) To see if the Board will approve 6 JMG students to attend the Leadership Education Conference at Pine Tree Camp from after school on October 18th to the end of the day October 19th.
7.) To see if the Board will authorize the purchase of two (2) low speed buffers/attachments, and one (1) Wet Vac and attachments not to exceed $2000.000 total purchase.
8.) To see if the Board will approve a school calendar change.
9.) To see if the Board will approve the purchase of a new fuel tank at the High School.
10.) To see if the Board will approve an overnight college trip November 1st and 2nd.
11.) To see if the Board will discuss the Negotiations update.
12.) Adjournment