Annual Administering Medication Notice


Medications of any kind, both prescription and over-the-counter medications (i.e. Tylenol, ibuprofen, coldmedicine, etc.), will be given at school only when absolutely necessary and under the following guidelines:

1.) The medication is accompanied by a current written order from the student's doctor/health care provider. The order must include the student's name, the name of the medication, the dose, the route of administration, time intervals to be given, any special instructions, and the signature of the prescribing doctor. A medication label that provides sufficient information may be used in lieu of a written doctor's order unless the medication is to be administered for more than 15 days;

2.) The medication is accompanied by a current written request from the parent to allow the school to

administer the medication;

3.) The medication must be taken on a schedule that cannot be adjusted to outside school hours (i.e. three times per day medications can be given before school, after school and at bedtime);

4.) The need for medication is based on an acute or long-term health problem; and

5.) It has been determined that there is no other way to give the medication.

It is recommended that the first dose of a newly prescribed medication should be given at home in order to closely monitor your child and ascertain if there will be any adverse reaction to the medication.

Every medication must have a Permission to Administer Medication in School Form completed by the parent and the prescribing physician. This form must be updated every fall and every time a medication dosage is changed.

A prescription medication must always be in a properly labeled bottle to include student's name, name of medication, and dosage, as well as the route of administration. The medication must be in its original container.

If the medication is an over-the-counter medication, we require a small original container with as little medication in it as possible, preferably just the recommended dosage.

The amount of prescription medication to be kept at school is not to exceed one day's school dosage except in special circumstances, and then only five days’ dosage at the most is allowed, and must be transported by the parents.

At no time will a student have medication in his/her possession in school unless the student’s physician states in writing that an inhaler or other emergency medication needs to be with the student at all times.

The school will provide no medication of any kind to any student.


There are several reasons for not giving medications or for omitting, then calling the parent. Some of these reasons are:

1.) The medication is not in the original bottle

2.) The medication order from the doctor/health care provider is not present.

3.) The medication request for the school to administer the medication from the parent is not present.

4.) The pharmacy label is missing or not legible.

5.) There is some doubt about the dosage, time, route of administration or instructions prescribed.