The RSU #74 board of directors is responsible for approving the naming of all school facilities. School facilities include entire school buildings, campuses, areas within schools or located on school property. This policy also applies to the naming of annual events that may be “dedicated” to the memory of a deceased person or placement of a memorial plaque.

It is not the RSU #74 school board’s intent to initiate the naming of any school facility, dedication or placement of a memorial plaque, but may approve such naming at its discretion and in accordance with the guidelines and procedure set in this policy.  

Naming or placement of a memorial plaque may be followed with a dedication ceremony to mark the occasion; any such dedication ceremony is subject to board approval.  


Members of the RSU #74 community or staff may submit requests/nominations for recognition to the superintendent board chair.

The nominated person(s) must have:

         A.    Exemplary moral character and;

                 B.    Made significant contributions consistent with the educational mission of

         the RSU #74 schools through one or more of the following:

1) 20 or more years of RSU #74 school board membership, employment in RSU #74, or volunteer service   to RSU #74

                             2) Significant philanthropic contributions of gifts of money or

                             property to the RSU #74


                             3) Displayed outstanding leadership in service to the RSU #74

                     community or to humanity.



Proposals to name an area within a building or on school grounds may be made by staff, students, parents or community members. Requests/nominations must be submitted in writing to the RSU #74 superintendent or board chair. The request must be supported with evidence of significant community input and provide justification for the name being suggested.

The RSU #74 superintendent, in consultation with the board chair, will convene an ad hoc committee with representation from school staff, parents, students, community members to review the request and make a recommendation to the board.  

The review includes consideration of any anticipated costs that would result from approving the request (e.g., acquisition and installation of memorial plaque). The nameplate or plaque must be of an appropriate size and reflective of the significance of the individual’s contribution of service or donation. 


The request will be placed on the agenda of a regular RSU #74 school board meeting. The superintendent will present the committee’s recommendation.


If the board approves the naming, the board will approve the scheduling of a dedication ceremony which will include an appropriate proclamation and placement of a nameplate or memorial plaque.  The location of the nameplate or plaque must be approved by the board.

As an alternative to naming, the board may approve recognition or memorialization through the placement of a memorial plaque in a particular area of a building or on school grounds and may approve the scheduling of a dedication ceremony.

 Any ceremony that commemorates the naming or installation of a memorial plaque should be held within six months of the RSU #74 board’s approval.