Nov 9 Minutes

Minutes of the Special Board Meeting


RSU #74 Board of Directors

Thursday, November 9, 2017

6:30 p.m.

At Carrabec High School

Robert Demchak, Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m.

Directors Present: Dulcie Welch, Laura Layman, Robert Demchak, Robert Dunphy, Troy Dunphy, Larry Dunphy, Judi Dunphy, Heather Hilenski, Robert Lindblom, and Kevin Sousa.

Staff Members Present: Michael Tracy, Tim Richards and Janet Boothby (CHS Teacher)

A motion was made by Chairman Robert Demchak to enter into executive session under M.R.S. Title 1, Chapter 13, Subsection 1, 405.6.B. – to discuss a confidential student matter.

Upon motion by Larry Dunphy and seconded by Troy Dunphy the Board voted by unanimous consent to enter into executive session.

The Board moved to open session at 7:28 pm.

The School Board moves to expel a student indefinitely and directs the Superintendent of schools to provide the student and his/her parents with the Board’s finding of facts.

Upon motion by Troy Dunphy and seconded by Judi Dunphy the Board voted by unanimous consent ( with one abstention) to expel a student indefinitely and direct the Superintendent of schools to provide the student and his/her parents with the Board’s finding of facts.

Motion to adjourn at 7:31 pm

Upon motion by Troy Dunphy and seconded by Larry Dunphy the Board voted by unanimous consent to adjourn.

Meeting adjourned at 7:31 pm.


Michael Tracy
