Nov 16 Board Agenda
Board Meeting at Garret Schenck
Wed, November 2, 6pm – 10pm
Regular Meeting RSU #74 Board of Directors November 2, 2016 6:00 p.m. at Garret Schenck School AGENDA 1.) To see if the Board will approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of October 5, 2016. 2.) Student Presentation: 3.) Reports: Written Reports were mailed to Board Members and are available online at A.) Superintendent’s Report: As written B.) Administrators: As written C.) Committees: As written D.) Adjustments to the Agenda 4.) Citizens comments on agenda items. 5.) To approve amended policies: GCGA ( sub teacher pay); GDAI ( bus driver lifting) 6.) To approve first reading of policy DJH ( procurement) and policy DKC ( expense reimbursement). 7.) To authorize the Superintendent to re-apply for a school Improvement grant for the Garret Schenck School which has been identified as a priority school. 8.) To authorize the High School to schedule 2017 graduation for June 9, 2017 at 7pm. . 9.) To authorize the High School JMG trip to Washington, D.C. on November 9-13th. 10.) To authorize the Superintendent to enter into an agreement with the Somerset Sheriff’s Department to provide a School Reserve Officer this year. 11.) 12.) 12.) Adjournment