School Cancellations

School Cancellations & Early Dismissal

In the event that there is a school cancellation, the notification will be on TV Channel 2 (WLBZ-2), Channel 5 (WABI-TV), Channel 6 (WCSH-6) and on radio FM 92.3  (92 Moose) and FM 98.5. If you are a parent or guardian of a student, you should also receive an email or telephone call from the ParentSquare system with a message that school has been canceled. If your phone number or email address has changed, please contact your student's school to update your contact information to insure the ParentSquare system will work correctly.

Cancellation information will also be posted on our website at, ParentSquare & Facebook.

When school is canceled during the day, the same radio and television station are contacted, we post the information on our website, and we will contact parents of younger students (K-5). Bus drivers are asked not to drop off students in grades K-5 if the driver knows no one is home. The bus driver will return to school with the student or will leave the student with the person identified on the emergency card or a relative, if that stop is on the bus route.

Dec 5th - 2 Hour Delay

Dec 11th - No School