Jan. 3, 2017 Agenda's
Board Workshop
RSU #74 Board of Directors
January 3, 2018
5:00 p.m.
Garret Schenck School
1.) RSU #74 School Board Workshop
a. Mid Year Board Data Workshop
Regular Meeting
RSU #74 Board of Directors
January 3, 2018
6:00 p.m.
Garret Schenck School
1.) Adjustments to the agenda.
2.) To see if the Board will approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of December 6, 2017.
3.) Presentation: Mrs. Savage and Mrs. Dunham's students will talk about their Reading RTI Program called Power Reading.
4.) Reports: Written Reports were mailed to Board Members and are available online at www.carrabec.org
A.) Superintendent’s Report
1. Appointments: None
2. Resignations: None
3. Nominations: None
B.) Administrators – As written
C.) Committees:
Negotiations Committee met December 14th
Policy Committee met December 18th
5.) Citizens comments on agenda items.
6.) To see if the Board will approve the purchase of a third bus.
7.) To see if the Board will insert the proposed language into section “2 Secondary” in school policy JJIC, effective beginning AY 2018-19.
8.) To see if the Board will replace school policy IJNDC and add IJNDB, and add IJNDB-R in place of “IJNDC”. (Will need 2 readings)
9.) To see if the Board will delete school policy AFC/GCN Evaluations.
10.) To see if the Board will remove all job descriptions from the policy manual. All job descriptions pertaining to Support Staff and Teachers Professional Staff, remove (GCAAB – GCAPA), and (GDAB – GPAPAC) from the RSU #74 policy manual, move to Superintendent’s Office.
11.) To see if the Board will update school policy DJ – Add legal language to DJ.
12.) To see if the Board will discuss declining enrollment in winter sports.
13.) To see if the Board will enter into executive session to discuss negotiations under M.R.S. Title 1, Chapter 13, Sub Ch.1. S.S. 405.6.D. Support Staff Collective Bargaining Unit.
14.) Adjournment