Agenda May 3, 2017

Regular Meeting

RSU #74 Board of Directors

May 3, 2017

5:30 p.m.


Solon Elementary School


1.) To see if the Board will approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of April 5, 2017, and the Minutes of the Special Board Meetings April 6, 2017, and April 10, 2017.

2.) Student Presentation: None

3.) Reports: Written Reports were mailed to Board Members and are available online at

A.) Superintendent’s Report

1. Appointments and recent staff hiring:

Carrie Peabody – Seamstress for MDI Program - $500 stipend 2016/17

Tammy Lane – Summer Food Service Cook

B.) Administrators – see written reports


D.) Adjustments to the Agenda

4.) Citizens comments on agenda items.

5.) To enter into Executive session to discuss legal issue with attorney as provided for by MSRA Title 1, Sec. 405 (6E).

6.) To nominate the Director for School Improvement Grant at Garret Schenck.

7.) To approve Teacher nominations as required by statue for movement from probationary contract to continuing status.

a. Fran Sirois

b. Michael Stone

c. Craig Turcotte

d. Hannah Hanson

8.) To approve Teacher nominations moving forward from year 2 of probationary contract to year 3 of probationary contract.

a. Carly Cooper

b. Peter Manning

c. David Gordon

e. Daniel Gilbert

f. Laurie Hanson-Hiscock

g. Richard Reichenbach

h. Brian Twitchell

i. Jasmyn Wagg

j. Doug Larlee ****

9.) To approve Teacher nominations moving from year 1 of probationary contract to year 2 of probationary contract.

a. Joanna St. Germain

b. Marc Collard

c. Nate Stubbert

d. Mathew Brown

e. Brittany Dunham

f. Kasey Hiltz

g. Tammy Long

h. Althea Schanz

10.) To see if the Board will approve the purchase of the new freezer.

11.) To discuss the status of Board members with accumulated absences.

12.) To approve the first reading of the policy on graduation requirements.

13.) To approve the first reading of the policy on procurement (federal requirement).

14.) To approve the first reading of the policy on professional staff assignments and transfers.

15.) To approve the first reading of the policy on reporting child abuse and neglect.

16.) To approve the amendments to Wellness policy JL.

17.) Adjournment