Policy - IHBAJ






The sending school unit and RSU #74hereby agree to the terms set forth below for monitoring students from the sending school unit who are attendingRSU #74 as tuition students and who have been identified as in need of special education or in need of referral to special education.

A.) General Oversight for All Students

Each high school student from the sending school unit will have a report form (Progress

Report Form) and grades sent from the receiving high school to the sending school unit

twice a year to monitor the student’s progress and to keep an accurate account on transfers

and dropouts. The sending school unit shall designate a person to receive those reports.

The sending school unit shall be responsible for contacting each high school guidance

department to acquaint them with the Progress Report Form and to instruct them on its


In addition, if there is a problem with the student that requires administrative intervention

beyond the level of the student’s teacher, the Progress Report Form will be filled out by

the designated person documenting the problem. That form will be immediately

forwarded to the designated individual at the sending school unit. The receiving school

unit shall also place a phone call to the designated person from the sending school unit to

ensure that the sending unit to ensure that the sending unit is aware of the issue. Any

action taken by the sending unit shall be document on the Progress Report Form.

B.) Oversight of Students Referred to Individual Education Program (IEP) for Evaluation

1.) When a student is referred to a Individual Education Program (IEP) Teamor for

evaluation, the Director of Special Services of the receiving district will notify the Director of Special Services from the sending school unit (or other designated official) by means of the Progress Report Form within five days of the referral.

2.) The sending school unit will enter the referral into the log to monitor timelines

and procedures as they would K-8 referrals.

3.) The sending school unit shall schedule the Individual Education Program (IEP) Team

meeting at a mutually convenient time for all parties and notify the receiving school unit and the parents as described in Special Education. Reg. Section 8.5.

4.) Parents will be informed by the sending school unit of their procedural safeguards

in accordance with Maine Special Education Regulations and will receive

notification of meetings scheduled to discuss their child’s school program. Any

questions regarding the special education process should be directed to the

Director of Special Education in the sending school unit.

5.) The Special Education Director from the sending school unit will chair the

Individual Education Program (IEP) Teammeetings held to review

evaluations and to make determinations on identification, programming and


C.) Oversight of Students Identified as in Need of Special Education

1.) For those students enrolled in special education, their progress will be reviewed at

annual Individual Education Program (IEP) Teammeetings, through the general

oversight arrangements noted above, and through Individual Education Program (IEP) Teammeetings. Either the sending unit or receiving school unit may initiate a Individual Education Program (IEP) Teammeeting, although the sending school unit shall initiate the annual Individual Education Program (IEP) Team to review and revise the individual education plan (IEP). Whichever school unit initiates the Individual Education Program (IEP) Teammeeting shall be responsible for scheduling the meeting at a mutually convenient time and for ensuring that notification requirements are met.

2.) Parents will be informed of their procedural safeguards in accordance with the

Maine Special Education Regulations and will receive notification of the

meetings scheduled to discuss their child’s school program. Questions regarding

the student’s progress or level of need that are raised with the receiving school

unit should also be relayed to the Special Education Director of the sending

school unit.

3.) Every three (3)years, or more often if determined necessary by the sending

school unit or the student’s Individual Education Program (IEP) Team, the

student will be re-evaluated as specified in the Special Education Regulations, at

the sending school unit’s expense. The process of notification will be

initiated by the sending school unit.

Dated: _____________________________


Sending School Unit Receiving School Unit

By: ______________________ By: _______________________

Its _______________________ Its _______________________