Policy - IKE-R






Consistent with Policy IKE - Promotion, Retention, and Acceleration of Students, it is the intention of the faculty and staff of RSu #74 to provide equitable opportunity for students to learn the knowledge and skills that will enable them to meet the content standards of the system of Learning Results at each grade level. It is the belief of every staff member that strategies are implemented by every faculty member by which it is possible for every student to be successful. Thus, the faculty and staff are confident that promotion to the next grade level is possible for every student. However, it is also recognized that there are circumstances under which retention might be in the best interest of the student. Therefore, the following procedures will be implemented when the question exists as to whether or not a child will indeed be promoted to the next grade level:

1.) Progress of students is reviewed at each progress report time and report card time. This is done by the classroom teacher for students in grades K-8 and by the guidance counselor in grades 9-12.

2.) Staff will inform the principal, in writing, of any student who has not met the standard in any subject. For graded subjects, staff will inform the principal, in writing, of any student who has failed the subject(s) for which that staff member issues grades.

3.) Letters are sent home, by the principal, to the parent(s) of students who have failed one or more subjects or who have not met the standard in any subject(s).

4.) For students who have failed one or more subjects or who have not met the standard in any subject(s), a meeting with the parent(s) will be scheduled by the teacher(s) of the subject(s) to discuss how the student can be supported to achieve to higher levels. Administration, parent(s), and teachers of the student are to be invited to the meeting. Other participants will be invited as deemed appropriate. Participants will be considered members of the student’s RTI. An action plan will be developed.

5.) Procedures #1, #2, and #3 are repeated after the second and third quarters.

6.) By Progress Report time of the fourth quarter, if the child is still failing or not meeting the standard, the RTI for students in grades K-8 will reconvene to review the action plan and to discuss the possibility of retention. If the student is an eighth grader, a high school representative will be invited to attend this meeting. For students in grades 9-12, acquisition of credit will determine a student’s status.

Although retention in grades K-8 will be determined on a case by case basis, the likelihood of retention is strong if the following condition(s) exist:

1.) Failure of the student to achieve the grade level standard on the NWEA Assessment(s).

2.) Failure of the student to achieve the grade level standard on the MEA Assessments.

3.) Failure of the student to achieve the expected grade level scores on formal assessments such as the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) and the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS).

4.) Classroom performance leading to the failure of the student to meet the standard in the student’s subject(s).

5.) Failure of a major subject: English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Reading.

6.) Failure of two or more subjects, one of which being a major subject as listed in paragraph 5 above.

Factors that can influence the decision but should not supersede the requirement that students meet the grade level and/or course academic standards:

1.) Age of the student in relation to his/her peers.

2.) Social or emotional maturity of the student.

3.) Absentee Record of the student

4.) Discipline Record of the student

5.) Degree of effort on the part of the student since the first meeting of the student’s Student Success Committee.

6.) Attitude of the student.

7.) Willingness on the part of the student and the parent for the student to attend summer school.

8.) Academic Potential of the Student

9.) Parental concerns.

10.) Prognosis for success if the student is retained.

The principal will be the Chair and Facilitator of the student’s RTI. Every effort will be made to bring the Committee to consensus regarding whether or not the student is promoted or retained. However, if consensus can not be reached, in accordance with School Board Policy IKE, the principal will make the final decision regarding retention. A parent who is dissatisfied with the principal’s decision may appeal to the Superintendent.

Guidelines with regard to special education students will be in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations.

Cross Reference: Policy IKE - Promotion, Retention, and Acceleration of Students